20th International Symposium on Novel Aromatic Compounds
Toronto, Canada・August 11-16, 2024
Information for Presenters

Oral Presentations
There are 5 types of lectures at ISNA-20. With the exception of the Nozoe Award lecture, each will be followed by a short discussion with the following timing guidelines:
Nozoe Lecture (NL - 60 min)
Plenary Lectures (PL - 35+5 min)
Keynote Lectures (KL - 25+5 min)
Invited Lectures (IL - 17+3 min)
Contributed Lectures (CL - 17+3 min)
Presenters should be available before the start of their session to meet the session chair and have their presentation uploaded to the computer supplied in the lecture hall. A volunteer will assist with uploading your presentation for you.
There will be both a PC and a Mac computer available to accommodate Powerpoint, Keynote, and Acrobat Reader presentations. The computers are equipped with USB ports. Speakers should bring their presentation on a USB flash drive to preload it on one of the presentation computers.
Presenters are free to use their own laptop for their presentation but must ensure compatibility with the projector prior to the start of their session (VGA and HDMI connections are available, but presenters must supply their own adapters).
Microphones and a laser pointer will also be provided. A volunteer will assist with setting up the microphone prior to the presentation.
Timing: There are two poster sessions scheduled for Monday and Tuesday evening (17:45-19:30) for odd- and even-numbered posters, respectively.
All posters should be displayed on both days, but presenters only need to be available during the poster session on their assigned day.
Posters should be mounted ideally on Sunday, but before the first session on Monday the latest. Push pins/adhesive tape will be provided. Posters should be taken down by Wednesday morning the latest, but ideally after the second session on Tuesday.
Format: The available poster boards accommodate 2 posters side by side, with an allocated 4ft x 4ft (~1.2m x 1.2m) area for each poster. Presenters are thus free to choose either portrait or landscape for their standard poster layout (3' x 4' or DIN A0).
If you are looking for a place to print your poster in Toronto, please follow the link below to a print-shop in close proximity to the conference venue.​​